“His Word Is Light To Our Night”

The image you see today is one that I photographed on a cold, snowy winter night a few years ago. I love the challenge of shooting in darkness with my very special low light lens. I love the beauty of how natural the image looks. I received this lantern as a gift, and I can remember visualizing on some snowy evening that I would light it and photograph it. This image inspires me to think about how God’s Word is a light to me in those night seasons of my life. He has promised to illuminate my path no matter how dark it seems, and I praise the Living God that He always keeps His Word!
This is the time of the year where we all hear everyone exclaim how the days just go by so fast and darkness is approaching us earlier and earlier each day. What we can all relate to though is that there are “night seasons” in our lives that come without warning, and they bring darkness or they cause you uncertainty. Jesus said that in this world we would experience trials and tribulation, but our hearts are not to be troubled by this. We can rejoice that as we hold the Word of life and light, we need not fear any dark times. In Psalm 23:4 in the Good News Translation we can read what David exclaimed about valleys that were dark and how our precious Shepherd would lead us.
“Even if I go through the deepest darkness,
I will not be afraid, Lord,
for you are with me.
Your shepherd’s rod and staff protect me.”
” Suddenly, God, your light floods my path,
God drives out the darkness.
I smash the bands of marauders, .
I vault the high fences.
What a God! His road
stretches straight and smooth.
Every God-direction is road-tested.
Everyone who runs toward him”
I love the part of the verse that says that every God-direction is road-tested! As we trust in Him, we can be assured that His light going before us will always illuminate our path.
“Are You Guarding Your Heart?”

“Keep and guard your heart with all vigilance and
Don’t worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks for what you have. And because you belong to Christ Jesus, God’s peace will stand guard over all your thoughts and feelings. His peace can do this far better than our human minds.
Brothers and sisters, continue to think about what is good and worthy of praise. Think about what is true and honorable and right and pure and beautiful and respected. 9 And do what you learned and received from me—what I told you and what you saw me do.
“When I Am Weak…”

2 Corinthians 12:8-10Easy-to-Read Version (ERV)
In the scriptures (2 Corinthians 12:8-10) Paul spoke of calling out to God to help him. Paul had enough of dealing with problems for he was in his own ability and weariness was upon him. He begged God that the whole issue would depart from him. God’s response…”My grace which is my favor, my lovingkindness, and my mercy are all that you need. My grace is sufficient against any danger and it enables you to bear this trouble manfully. My strength and power are made perfect and show themselves MOST effective in your weakness.”
Paul’s heart was totally toward God and he realized his need to just allow God’s strength to arise in his situation. Even though he was weak, the revelation came to him through this experience that in his weakness, God was able to show Himself strong and mighty. One translation of this portion of scripture implies to allow God’s grace to rest as a tent pitched upon us. What an awesome way of looking at dwelling and drawing upon His wonderful grace.
“With All Your Heart”

you must trust the Lord
and not your own judgment.
Always let him lead you,
and he will clear the road
for you to follow.”
“Faith and Doubt Have Voices”

“The key is that your request be anchored by your single-minded
commitment to God. Those who depend only on their own judgment are like
those lost on the seas, carried away by any wave or picked up by any wind.
Those adrift on their own wisdom shouldn’t assume the Lord will rescue
them or bring them anything. The splinter of divided loyalty shatters your
compass and leaves you dizzy and confused.”
When we are single minded toward God we will react in faith in any given situation. If we are not single-minded it is because we are more than likely depending on our own wisdom, and we need to get knowledge of what God’s Word has to say about our situation. Another way one falls to being double minded is pride. If one fails to totally submit themselves to the Word of God they will always be tempted to rely on their knowledge or experience. God sees us to be in a dangerous place when we are not living by faith in Him, and trusting in our knowledge of how something should come about. It is sad that if one does not totally submit their life to the Lord yet feel and assume that all should work out in the end just because they are a believer.
I really love how this translation brings an even greater insight in the very last sentence of this portion of scripture in James 1:8… “The splinter of divided loyalty shatters your compass and leaves you dizzy
and confused.”
The danger of not being single minded can cause severe consequences. Just as a compass keeps you on track, being single-minded with all that God has for you will also keep you wise, discerning and very sensitive to the voice of the Lord in the midst of trouble. Your spiritual “compass” will keep you right on target and you will remain strong, steady, and focused in the midst of a storm. This “compass” is vital because if you are in a problem, the last thing you need is to feel spiritually dizzy, confused, and not knowing which direction to turn.
When we are weak spiritually and our emotions are a wreck from the trial we are walking through we may find ourselves more susceptible to confusion and wrong thinking. Much of the time this is where the voice of doubt originates from. When we are not established in truth before the storm comes, we will be in trouble when we are in the midst of a trial. I am going to leave you with a poem that I absolutely love because of it’s powerful message.
Doubt sees the obstacle, faith sees the way;
Keep your spiritual ears tuned to the Spirit of God and keep your faith strong in Him. Give no place to the voice of doubt. Allow it no room in your thoughts. I pray that this devotional has been a blessing to you today!
“The Determined and Persevering Heart”

given up? It happens to all of us. After the decision is made an obstacle or
opposition stands before you and you weaken, give up and feel guilty that you
did not stick it out.
Any decision you make whether it be to do something or stop doing something
must be coupled with determination and perseverance. In this life I guarantee
you that there will always be obstacles in our paths. If we seek His wisdom we
can begin to see that many times obstacles can just be those “pauses” in which
we learn and grow, as we seek Him in the midst of it all. No matter how big
Winston Churchhill said it this way, “The nose of the bulldog is slanted
backwards so he can continue to breathe without letting go.” I love this because
many times it is just a matter of not letting go. Dig in, hold fast, and don’t let
go!!! Do what you have decided to do no matter how tough the fight. Draw
upon the strength and wisdom of the Lord for He is well able to help you
accomplish that thing you have determined yourself in.
“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be firm (steadfast), immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord [always being superior, excelling, doing more than enough in the service of the Lord], knowing and being continually aware that your labor in the Lord is not futile [it is never wasted or to no purpose].”
“Fear Not, For He Is Your God”

dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, and help you. I am here with
My right hand to make right and to hold you up.
The King James Version says, “Fear not, do not look anxiously about you for I
AM your God…”
“Without God I Can Do Nothing”

Without Me, you will accomplish nothing.”
This is such a wonderful scripture to keep fresh in our hearts. Without Him we can do nothing and yet with Him ALL things are possible!
I can remember once putting fresh batteries into something I wanted to use. I checked and checked to make sure all the batteries were in the right position and secure. It made no sense to me that there was no power. My husband opened it and examined it, and sure enough one of the three batteries was in the wrong direction. Sometimes that is how it is for us. We can seem to have all that we need, yet one thing is out of place and there will be no power. When we are connected to God, He assures us that all things are possible as we stay hooked up to His divine ways and purposes!
“He Counts the Stars”

“He heals the brokenhearted, binding up their wounds.
I love these verses and I love thinking about how our loving God knows every detail about everything. One by one He created each star and caused it to shine in the evening skies. To think of how great and mighty God is should encourage our hearts to remember that the same God that placed stars in the sky one by one also created me and you! One by one He formed each of us in our mother’s womb, and He knows every day of our life from beginning to end. How amazing is our God? Oh that we would turn to Him when our hearts are broken and hurt that we would receive His healing touch, and restoration.
“Are You In the Center of His Will?”

We are the product of Your creative action, shaped and formed …”
and you will be in the
center of His will.
Oh that we would permit His loving hands to place us where He wants us to be. When He begins to shape us and works us, let us submit to His way of doing it. As I pondered this devotional my heart began to think about some things that will position us that He can continue to mold us. I already stated the first and that is to stay centered or focused on Him. The other things would be
*stay humble before others.
*see yourself humbly for this will guard you from
This is a good way of teaching the kids to forgive each other(Matt. 5:7). I like the power of this gentle scripture and lesson… Thanks!!
thank you Lisa for sharing. I am blessed that this was a blessing to you!
Ralph &I are really enjoying your devotional together.
So glad this is blessing you both!
Oh, what a wonderful reminder! I want to break the magnifing glass of worry and trust God for each step I take.
It is interesting Selena how the more we worry the bigger and more magnified things get in our minds. Oh how important it is to trust our God for the smallest of things! Thank you for sharing!