Posted on Feb 8, 2015 in Devotions |
by Dona Hake
2 Corinthians 12:8-10Easy-to-Read Version (ERV)
8 “I begged the Lord three times to take this problem away from me. 9 But the Lord said, “My grace is all you need. Only when you are weak can everything be done completely by my power.” So I will gladly boast about my weaknesses. Then Christ’s power can stay in me. 10 Yes, I am glad to have weaknesses if they are for Christ. I am glad to be insulted and have hard times. I am glad when I am persecuted and have problems, because it is when I am weak that I am really strong.”
In the scriptures (2 Corinthians 12:8-10) Paul spoke of calling out to God to help him. Paul had enough of dealing with problems for he was in his own ability and weariness was upon him. He begged God that the whole issue would depart from him. God’s response…”My grace which is my favor, my lovingkindness, and my mercy are all that you need. My grace is sufficient against any danger and it enables you to bear this trouble manfully. My strength and power are made perfect and show themselves MOST effective in your weakness.”
Paul’s heart was totally toward God and he realized his need to just allow God’s strength to arise in his situation. Even though he was weak, the revelation came to him through this experience that in his weakness, God was able to show Himself strong and mighty. One translation of this portion of scripture implies to allow God’s grace to rest as a tent pitched upon us. What an awesome way of looking at dwelling and drawing upon His wonderful grace.
In another translation Paul said, “when I am weak in my own human strength, then I am truly strong, able and powerful in God’s strength.” Paul saw that God’s grace was all that he needed. He saw that it was sufficient. God’s grace is adequate for any purpose and it is always more than enough.
Today we ask you Lord to reveal to us areas in which we still try to live in our own strength. Cause us to see your grace and strength in everything we do no matter how big or small it may be. We praise you for your abundant grace that you have made available for us to draw upon. You are so good to us Lord!