Thursday, April 16, 2020
Devotional 4/16/20
“His Teachings Make Us Joyful”

“God’s Word is perfect in every way; how it revives our souls! His laws lead us to truth, and his ways change the simple into wise. His teachings make us joyful and radiate his light; his precepts are so pure! His commands, how they challenge us to keep close to his heart! The revelation-light of his word makes my spirit shine radiant.”
Psalm 19:7-8 The Passion Translation
Psalm 19:7-8 The Passion Translation
Today we continue looking at the word ~joy~, and oh how I love this scripture! Every day our souls need to be revived, and restored by Him. He desires that we have no want for He is the Good Shepherd that seeks to restore our souls. His teachings promise to bring joy to our hearts!
We as the sheep of His pasture need to constantly recognize our need of Him to lead us to the truth THAT WE ARE IN NEED OF in every matter. Oh that we guard our hearts that we never become wise in our own eyes.
I encourage you to continually seek His Word, and dare to ask Him to continue to keep your heart challenged that you not sink into a comfort zone. It is then that His revelation light will make you radiantly shine for Him and walk in joy!
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Devotional 4/15/20
“Forever Joyful In His Presence”

by Dona Hake
We will be looking at ~joy~ over the next few days. Holding fast to the joy of the Lord helps us see every situation no matter how big or small through His eyes. His joy will cause us to rise above anything simply because His joy keeps us in a place of strength and endurance. It is in this place that WE ARE OVERCOMERS.
We will be looking at ~joy~ over the next few days. Holding fast to the joy of the Lord helps us see every situation no matter how big or small through His eyes. His joy will cause us to rise above anything simply because His joy keeps us in a place of strength and endurance. It is in this place that WE ARE OVERCOMERS.
It is in the simple things of this life that I find my Lord teaching me so often. He desires that I love this life, and face each and every situation in faith, peace and in His joy!
Earlier this week I woke up to hearing the heavy downpour of rain. I mean it was heavy and it was damp and cold out. My routine with our puppy is to go out first thing, and throw ball and play with her. She runs and runs like crazy chasing four different balls. This is her favorite thing! I began to think how I would just play with her inside and forget about doing the normal routine. Then I began to see those begging eyes pleading with me to go out with her.
I began to think about how rainy days seem gloomy and people’s moods change because of weather such as this. Did you ever notice how people complain more on rainy days? It even keeps people from going out and doing what they normally do. The more I thought about it I just made the decision to just go out in the pouring down rain and play with her regardless. Oh my! She could have cared less that the rain was making her soaking wet! She jumped in puddles and played with her whole heart. She was in her happy place, and rain was not going to change that. I was rather pleased with myself that I overcame thoughts of not wanting to do this with her.
I learned a little something from my puppy that day… (you know…the simple things in life). The Lord desires we stay in that place of joy that brings strength no matter what is going on around us. Tests and trials can be our “rainy days” but we need to continue about His will for us no matter what we feel or see going on. As we stay in His presence THERE IS JOY. Today I exhort you to grow in going forward not permitting distractions or anything else to be a hindrance from doing His will.
“…As I walk with You, the pleasures are never-ending,
and I know true joy and contentment.”
Psalm 16:11 – The Voice
Psalm 16:11 – The Voice
“You will show me the path of life; In Your presence
is fullness of joy; In Your right hand there
are pleasures forevermore.”
Psalm 16:11 Amplified Version
Psalm 16:11 Amplified Version
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Devotional 4/11/20
“Who Can Roll This Heavy Stone For us?”

by Dona Hake
Yesterday we looked again at “God our Rock”. Psalm 18:31 “There is no God except the Lord. There is no rock except our God.” During this Easter celebration I pray you are reflecting and meditating deeply upon the death and resurrection of your lord. Let us read from the Scriptures.
“On the first day of the week, as the Sabbath was ending, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of Jacob, and Salome made their way to the tomb. It was very early in the morning as the first streaks of light were beginning to be seen in the sky. They had purchased aromatic embalming spices so that they might anoint his body. And they had been asking one another, “Who can roll away the heavy stone for us from the entrance of the tomb?” But when they arrived, they discovered that the very large stone that had sealed the tomb was already rolled away!”
Mark 16:1,3-4 TPT
For me as I read this it becomes one of those “I wish I could have been there!” moments. Just imagine what these individuals were dealing with the closer they got to the tomb of Jesus. I am sure the sadness and having grief in their hearts was overwhelming. In spite of that they moved with purpose to anoint the body of their Lord. As they walked they exchanged their thoughts about how in the world they were going to roll away that heavy stone? Can you imagine the shock and awe that hit them when they saw that great rock was already rolled away? The amazing had happened! He had risen!!!!
There are times we can ask ourselves “How is God going to do this great thing in my life?” “Will this great mountain of mine ever be moved in my life? Think about how impossible it seemed for them to think about rolling that great stone away from Jesus tomb. May we remember today that we serve the God that rolls away the stone up impossibilities in our life, and He makes them possibilities and realities! I leave you with this scripture which is one of my very favorites.
“Now to Him who is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly more than all that we dare ask or think [infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams], according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations forever and ever. Amen.”
Ephesians 3:20-21 – AMP
Friday, April 10, 2020
Devotional 4/10/20

by Dona Hake
“There is no God except the Lord.
There is no Rock except our God.
God is the one who gives me strength.
He clears the path I need to take.
He makes my feet as steady as those of a deer.
Even on steep mountains he keeps me
from falling. He trains me for war so that
my arms can bend the most powerful bow.
Lord, you have given me your shield to
protect me. You support me with your
right hand. It is your help that has
made me great. You cleared a path
for my feet so that I could walk
without stumbling. I chased my
enemies and caught them. I did
not stop until they were destroyed.
I struck them down, and they could
not get up again. They fell under my feet.”
Psalm 18:31-38 – ERV
Psalm 18:31-38 – ERV
“Even on steep mountains
he keeps me from falling.”
Yes, in this life there may be deep valleys and steep mountains but He has promised… We are going through together! Why? Because no one stands like our Rock! and there is mighty power in the righteous man or woman that lives and prays fervently to Him. I leave you with this confession for you to speak and meditate upon…
He is teaching me how to be discerning that my feet will not slip.
He encircles me with His strength and He straightens my path!
He’s made my feet sure footed .
He is clearing my path and making it straight.
He gives me the exact wisdom that I need for this day.
I WILL walk in His strength to fight as a warrior.
He teaches me how to fight with my
spiritual weapons through prayer
by the power of the Holy Spirit.
I will stand upon this Rock and
I will fight and pray relentlessly till
any enemies in my life are struck down in Jesus Name!
Thursday, April 9, 2020
Devotional 4/16/20
“Build Your House Upon the Rock”

by Dona Hake
“Everyone who comes to Me and listens to
“Everyone who comes to Me and listens to
My words and obeys them, I will show
you whom he is like: he is like a
[far-sighted, practical, and sensible] man
building a house, who dug deep and laid a
foundation on the rock; and when a flood
occurred, the torrent burst against that house
and yet could not shake it, because it had been
securely built and founded on the rock.”
Luke 6:47-48 The Amplified Translation
Luke 6:47-48 The Amplified Translation
In this portion of scripture Jesus teaches, and speaks about the man that listens to His words and obeys them. One of the characteristics of this man that stood out to me is to be far sighted. The farsighted man sees things at a distance more clearly than those things at hand. This man does not permit present hindrances to weaken his vision or his faith.
Sometimes seeing into the distance with problems in front of our faces can hinder us. Yet Jesus shares here that the man that can look into the distance, and move forward with building is the practical and sensible one.
God simply desires that all,our thoughts, words, and actions always be aligned with His Word no matter what is going on presently, and no matter how hard it seems. We should always be looking into the distance, our great future! We need to be moving forward with vision in our heart for He has begun a good work in us, and He desires to complete it. THIS IS the man that has a rock solid foundation. We need to be a people embracing the vision of walking strong and secure above any circumstances this life could bring. When you build your life upon the Rock, you WILL STAND!
Jesus also mentions in this scripture the word torrents. A torrent is a stream of water flowing with great rapidity and violence.
It is an abundant and
unceasing stream of anything.
Jesus made it quite simple for us to build our foundations of all that we live by upon a rock. It is to come to Him, listen to Him, and obey Him. The opposite of this would be the man that WILL NOT stand. He is the man that does not draw near to Him , he does not listen to His Word and he simply goes his own way and does his own thing.
Let us be a people that are standing firm and strong on the Rock that will not be shaken because we have heard, heeded and walked in obedience to His Word!
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
Devotional 4/8/20
“Our God Our Rock!!”

by Dona Hake
Before we read Psalm 27:2-6 I wanted to share with you a paragraph that the Voice Translation wrote right before these verses. I loved what they shared and I wanted to pass this on to you!
“The psalms provide us with a way
to think about and pray through the
various threats we face. Our enemies
today may not be the same as in biblical times,
but they are no less real.
Consider the threats on the horizon.
Some may be national. Others may be more personal.
Still they come to surround us and destroy us
if they could only get the chance. The reality is
there are times when our enemies appear to
have the upper hand and our cause is lost.
But wait and listen to the psalm!
All is not lost because, ultimately,
God is our light and salvation. The darkness will lift,
and our Savior will come. He will settle all scores,
and we will live in the beauty of His presence.”
Notes from the Voice Translation before Psalm 27:2
“When my enemies advanced to devour me alive, They tripped and fell flat on their faces into the soil. When the armies of the enemy surround me, I will not be afraid. When death calls for me in the midst of war, my soul is confident and unmoved. I am pleading with the Eternal for this one thing, my soul’s desire: To live with Him all of my days— in the shadow of His temple, To behold His beauty and ponder His ways in the company of His people. His house is my shelter and secret retreat. It is there I find peace in the midst of storm and turmoil. Safety sits with me in the hiding place of God. He will set me on a rock, high above the fray. God lifts me high above those with thoughts of death and deceit that call for my life. I will enter His presence, offering sacrifices and praise. In His house, I am overcome with joy As I sing, yes, and play music for the Eternal alone.”
Psalm 27:2-6 – The Voice
Psalm 27:2-6 – The Voice
Over the next few days we are going to look at our God the Rock as well as references referring to the word rock. My heart is continuing to feel led to return to encouraging you relative to keeping your mind and heart strong in faith as we walk through COVID-19. Praise God THIS DARKNESS WILL LIFT!!!! Let us look at a particular portion of the scriptures that I just shared with you.
“He will set me on a rock, high above the fray. “
Praise God as we keep our self tucked under the wings of the Almighty God we can experience and know that He is setting us high upon a rock. High above the fray! This word fray is really interesting in light of the Coronavirus. One of the many definitions for this word is fright. Fright is sudden and extreme fear; a sudden terror. Yes…this is what the Coronavirus to doing to many.
As believers we do not stick our heads in the sand but rather choose the Rock to stand upon. Am I saying that you will not be tempted to fear? No! With the news, opinions, lies, etc. about this whole thing it is no wonder confusion and fear has tried to torment us. But by the power and grace of our Lord we can stand strong in this storm.
Today I encourage you to ponder and meditate upon these scriptures I have shared with you. Enter His presence with praise and permit your soul to be overcome with joy in Jesus name! Stay focused, and proclaim Who goes before you in this battle. HE IS our secret retreat and place of peace in the midst of this storm! He is the Rock on which we stand.
Saturday, April 4, 2020
Devotional 4/4/20
“Seeing Difficulties As Opportunities”

by Dona Hake
“My fellow believers, when it seems as
though you are facing nothing but difficulties
see it as an invaluable opportunity to
experience the greatest joy that you can!
For you know that when your faith is tested
it stirs up power within you to endure all things.
And then as your endurance grows even stronger
it will release perfection into every part of your
being until there is nothing missing and
nothing lacking.”
James 1:2-4. The Passion Translation
Seeing tests and trials as an opportunity for Him is God’s way for us to face adversity. When the “heat” of life is turned up we must remain spiritually hydrated. Continue to drink deeply! We must keep on keeping on! As we remain full our faith, we will be stirred and WE WILL ENDURE.
Today is the day to rejoice in Him, press in, expect, and see all things as an opportunity for God to surprise you and do above and beyond all you dare ask or think! (Ephesians 3:20)
“I will not be afraid of storms for
I am learning how to sail my ship.”
Louisa May Alcott
Louisa May Alcott
Friday, April 3, 2020
Devotional 4/3/20
“He Is Never Dry”

“What delight comes to the one who follows God’s ways!
He won’t walk in step with the wicked,
nor share the sinner’s way,
nor be found sitting in the scorner’s seat.
His pleasure and passion is remaining true
to the Word of “I Am,” meditating day
and night in the true revelation of light.
He will be standing firm like a flourishing
tree planted by God’s design,
deeply rooted by the brooks of bliss,
bearing fruit in every season of his life.
He is never dry,
never fainting, ever blessed,
ever prosperous.”
Psalm 1:1-3 – The Passion Translation
Psalm 1:1-3 – The Passion Translation
Today let us continue to meditate on drinking deeply. I love how this scripture states that we will be deeply rooted by the brooks of bliss bearing fruit
“…in every season of our life.”
This is the person that serves God with all of their heart, and they always have what they need. They are abundantly blessed as their hands are receiving from the One who promises more than enough for every need they face. This is the fruit of drinking deeply my friend.
I found a side note in The Passion Translation
for Psalm 1:3 to be very interesting.
This is what it said,
The metaphors found in this verse are paraphrased as follows…,
“No matter what he sets
out to do
he brings it to
a successful conclusion.”
Today I pray that you continue to drink deeply of the Word of God. He promises to lead, guide and direct you in everything you put your hand to. It is then that all you set out to do will always have a successful conclusion!
Thursday, April 2, 2020
Devotional 4/2/20
“Drinking From His Still Waters”

by Dona Hake
In many parts of this big beautiful world we have witnessed things being brought to a screeching halt. The effects of the Coronavirus have abruptly changed our schedules that we once experienced and called normalcy. There are various fears and anxieties that many are dealing with today. In the midst of so much coming to a standstill, the anxiety of all of this could tempt any one of us with apprehension and wondering what we will hear next on the news.
Let us look at Psalm 23 today as we continue looking at the word ~drink~. As I was meditating upon this word for you today my thoughts went to the word stillness and what that word meant.
For many years I have observed a particular parking lot of a restaurant that we love to go to. It is one of those parking lots that is so busy that you need to be extra careful driving through it. Now it sits eerily still, quiet and empty. This particular type of stillness is bringing anxiety to many. Today I want you to ponder in your heart that we need to know what His stillness is in the midst of all that is happening .
Many years ago I studied Psalm 23 and I read from a wonderful book by Philip Keller entitled “A Shepherd Looks At Psalm 23”. He stated how sheep must be led to the waters of drinking. Only the shepherd knew where the best watering places were because thirsty sheep would drink from a mud hole because they did not know better. A good shepherd desires only pure water for his sheep. He also understands that moving water will frighten a sheep. It must be water that is calm and still.
“He provides me rest in rich, green fields beside
streams of refreshing water. He soothes
my fears;…” Psalm 23:2 – The Voice
“He offers a resting place for me in his
luxurious love. His tracks take me to
an oasis of peace, the quiet brook of bliss.
That’s where he restores and revives my life.
He opens before me pathways to God’s
pleasure and leads me along in his
footsteps of righteousness so that I can
bring honor to his name.”
Psalm 23:2-3 The Passion Translation
Our Lord knows how to lead us to that still and pure drinking place where we will be safe and drink from the water that will restore our souls.
It is there that we need
to drink deeply!
Today I encourage you to be still and know that He is God. Follow His footsteps to that place where He wants you to drink deeply. He desires that your heart find true peace, and true direction for your life at this time.
“To know you is to experience a flowing fountain,
drinking in your life, springing up to satisfy.
In your light we receive the light of revelation.
Lord, keep pouring out your unfailing
love on those who are near you. Release
more of your blessings to those who are loyal to you.”
Psalm 36:9-10 The Passion Translation
Psalm 36:9-10 The Passion Translation
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Devotional 4/1/20
“Drink Deeply”

“O taste and see that the Lord [our God] is good;
How blessed [fortunate, prosperous,
and favored by God] is the man
who takes refuge in Him.”
Psalm 34:8 – AMP
Psalm 34:8 – AMP
Oh taste and see that the Lord is good! What a wonderful scripture to meditate upon. This scripture is calling upon us to do something though, and that is first of all taste and then see. The word we will be looking at over the next few days is ~drink~. The Hebrew root word for “see” in this scripture means to drink deeply.. Let us read this scripture from the Passion Translation now…
“Drink deeply of the pleasures of this God.
Experience for yourself the joyous mercies
he gives to all who turn to hide themselves in him.
Worship in awe and wonder, all you who’ve
been made holy! For all who fear him
will feast with plenty.”
Psalm 34:8-9 – The Passion Translation
I encourage you today to let your heart be challenged by these scriptures. Do you desire to drink deeply of all of your Lord’s provision or are there times you simply sip from the still waters He has led you to? God desires that we be full of Him yet having continued thirst for Him. Why?….so that we have more than enough to live on, and that we be in a position share with those in need. I encourage you today to drink deeply of all He has for you!
“As the deer pants [longingly] for the water brooks,
So my soul pants [longingly] for You,
O God. My soul (my life, my inner self)
thirsts for God, for the living God…”
Psalm 42:1-2a-AMP
Psalm 42:1-2a-AMP
This is a good way of teaching the kids to forgive each other(Matt. 5:7). I like the power of this gentle scripture and lesson… Thanks!!
thank you Lisa for sharing. I am blessed that this was a blessing to you!
Ralph &I are really enjoying your devotional together.
So glad this is blessing you both!
Oh, what a wonderful reminder! I want to break the magnifing glass of worry and trust God for each step I take.
It is interesting Selena how the more we worry the bigger and more magnified things get in our minds. Oh how important it is to trust our God for the smallest of things! Thank you for sharing!