by Dona Hake
Everyone of us are still under the molding and workmanship of the Master’s hands. Let us be so very thankful that His hands are loving and they work with purpose. Some days we might not feel all that great on the outside and things may be a bit stormy on the inside but know this…God’s loving hand is at work in your life, and He sees your life as precious and worthy for being used for His plans and purposes.
Isaiah 64:8 (the Voice translation)
“Still, Eternal One, You are our Father.
We are just clay, and You are the potter.
We are the product of Your creative action, shaped and formed into something of worth.”
If you are tempted to question your own worth I encourage you to refer to this scripture. The world puts standards of success before us, and we need to be ever so careful that we are striving to measure to what God desires not what the world is dictating to us. May we desire to be clay that is soft and pliable in His hands. May our hearts be humble as He molds and stretches us that we may accomplish His will.
YOU ARE the work of His hand! God bless you.