by Dona Hake
Isaiah 41:10 (The Voice)
” So don’t be afraid. I am here, with you; don’t be
dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, and help you. I am here with
My right hand to make right and to hold you up.”
dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, and help you. I am here with
My right hand to make right and to hold you up.”
The King James Version says, “Fear not, do not look anxiously about you for I
AM your God…”
Looking anxiously about implies that one would be uneasy, fearful or panicking. It is good to know that our loving Heavenly Father is there for us in those times to come under us and lift us up and hold us closely. He will sit us on the solid rock where we will not be moved and He is able to keep us.
Today as I was meditating on this scripture I recalled an incident with my parrot that is a great analogy of this scripture. One morning while I was preparing for the devotional, I had my coffee sitting at my sofa and my parrot was having her “freedom time” roaming about the outside of her cage. She enjoys sitting on top of her little world and watching me. She usually climbs around her cage exploring. It is kind of cute because she has this “I’m big stuff” attitude as she is enjoying her freedom.
On this particular day she got a little bit daring and decided to try to go from her cage over to a
cupboard that sits about one foot away from her cage. She was trying to be ever so cautious before she went from her cage to the cupboard. Her confidence got her into a bit of trouble. Her mistake was that she did not have proper footing and she slipped. She frantically started to flap her wings but could not fly because I just had her wings clipped. She went from frantic to panic. She was so upset as she sat on the floor looking up at me. I calmly walked toward her and spoke softly saying, “It’s ok JJ, I’ll help you.” It was amazing how I could see the fear in her little eyes. I gently reached my finger out and under her feet. As she stepped up, she stopped the panic, rested on my hand, and she immediately calmed down. You see, as she felt my hand she felt safe again. As she sat there resting she looked at me with such a thankful look and I put her back on her cage where she felt safe again.
cupboard that sits about one foot away from her cage. She was trying to be ever so cautious before she went from her cage to the cupboard. Her confidence got her into a bit of trouble. Her mistake was that she did not have proper footing and she slipped. She frantically started to flap her wings but could not fly because I just had her wings clipped. She went from frantic to panic. She was so upset as she sat on the floor looking up at me. I calmly walked toward her and spoke softly saying, “It’s ok JJ, I’ll help you.” It was amazing how I could see the fear in her little eyes. I gently reached my finger out and under her feet. As she stepped up, she stopped the panic, rested on my hand, and she immediately calmed down. You see, as she felt my hand she felt safe again. As she sat there resting she looked at me with such a thankful look and I put her back on her cage where she felt safe again.
It reminded me how sometimes we can get ourselves in trouble and we lose our “footing.” You know…those times when you get a little over confident and you get into your own ability and from there you got yourself in trouble. There are also those times that you are stepping out on faith and you really have yourself out on the “limb” and it can cause fear to grip your heart. It is very easy to
panic, get in anxiety, and be fearful. Isn’t it good to know that our loving Heavenly Father is right there ready to hold out His mighty right hand, calm us with His loving voice and lift us up to that safe place.
Psalm 91:4 (The Voice)
Like a bird protecting its young, God will cover you with His feathers, will
protect you under His great wings; His faithfulness will form a shield around you,
a rock-solid wall to protect you.
protect you under His great wings; His faithfulness will form a shield around you,
a rock-solid wall to protect you.
I pray that you will see Him today as the One that is always nearby you and only an arm’s reach away to rescue you in your time of need or trouble. Only He can calm our hearts when we are in anxiety and fear. We serve a loving and caring God. He is so good. I pray you will have a day that is prosperous and blessed!