by Dona Hake
Recently my sister and niece and I went to an Apple Harvest Festival. The crowd was so overwhelming, and we were trying to find one of our favorite places to eat. We ask for help at the information booth, yet the directions we got really did not help us out at all. We had a map of the whole place, but we just had the worst time finding what we were looking for. The map was hard to figure out, and we just gave up at one point and ate at a different place. Things such as this can really be frustrating. When I used to shoot weddings I depended greatly on my GPS to guide me where I was going. A few times it would tell me to make turns onto one way streets, and I would have been going the wrong way! These are the times where all you want is someone or something to get you where you want to be!
I am so thankful that God’s direction in our lives need not be vague but rather clear and decisive. When we come to “forks” in the road, we need to simply be ever conscious that He desires to point us in the exact direction that we are to go. He does not want to see any time wasted in our lives so He promises to stay with us, leading and guiding us to our destinations.
Isaiah 30:21 (Douay-Rheims American translation)
“And thy ears shall hear the word of one admonishing thee behind thy back:
This is the way, walk ye in it: and go not aside neither to the right hand, nor to the left.”
I was drawn to this translation over all the others simply because it used the word *admonishing*. He understands how our human nature can be at times when we make decisions based on the “easy way” rather than His way. Today I encourage you to listen for that quiet voice that desires to be your Compass in life! In those times that you to not know what to do or where to turn…know this…. God will always get you the right answers and direction that you need. Praise God for that!