by Dona Hake
Everyday we have choices before us. It would be interesting to take note of all the choices that we make everyday. What shall I eat?…what shall I wear?…what words should I speak or not speak?…who should I associate with?…etc… In life there are so many choices that must be made. Sometimes we may make a wrong choice that may bring inconvenience into our day. These types type choices may disrupt our day but these days will happen. But then there are choices in this life that are “heart” choices. These choices God desires to be a total part of. He desires that His hand of blessing to be at work in our life that our lives are rich and full. The Word that I am sharing from Proverbs is admonishing us to choose God’s instruction and disciplines over whatever we deem as valuable.
Proverbs 8:10-11
Expanded Bible (EXB)
“Choose [Take] my ·teachings [instructions; discipline] instead of silver,
and knowledge rather than ·the finest [choice] gold.
Wisdom is more precious than ·rubies [or pearls].
Nothing ·you could want is equal to [is more delightful than] it.”
In this scripture God is showing us that even the jewels that we could ever possess do not measure in value to His instruction, His wisdom and knowledge. Think about it…NOTHING we could ever desire no matter how wonderful can compare to the worth of His great riches !! Let us ponder this scripture and allow our hearts to be challenged. May we know that we value His Word above anything this world has to offer.