by Dona Hake
We will look today at part of I Corinthians 13:5 from the Amplified Bible. Today we are looking at something that love IS NOT…
“… it is not rude (unmannerly) and does not act unbecomingly. Love
(God’s love in us) does not insist on its own rights or its own way,
for it is not self-seeking; …”
(God’s love in us) does not insist on its own rights or its own way,
for it is not self-seeking; …”
Sometimes I just cringe at the rudeness and unbecoming behavior in this world. I think about the people that are working and serving us in the public and they really should NOT be serving the
public because they are not suited to deal with people let alone tolerating them. What disturbs me even more is when a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ exhibits themselves rudely in the workplace. As a believer we need to be ever so conscious that at any moment in time the Lord could call upon us to be a witness for Him. He wants you to be His mouth piece. More importantly He desires that we be consistent in our behavior that we be not offensive to people.
Sometimes we can be guilty of taking things out on people and we have no idea that we are doing it. Then there are times we can be tempted to be rude simply because our patience has run out therefore we act in a manner of rudeness. I constantly try to remind myself that this world is so very dark and it
is hurting. There are so many people that are lost and looking for the true light and real answers. There is a lot of “light” out there, but it is light from he who appears to be good but in fact is evil, and that is the works of the devil. Remember, he will manifest himself as an angel of light, therefore able to confuse those that do not know how to discern spiritual things. He is manipulating this world, and has many ways to offer peace, strength and all kinds of wonderful ways to live in this chaotic world apart from the Lord Jesus Christ.
is hurting. There are so many people that are lost and looking for the true light and real answers. There is a lot of “light” out there, but it is light from he who appears to be good but in fact is evil, and that is the works of the devil. Remember, he will manifest himself as an angel of light, therefore able to confuse those that do not know how to discern spiritual things. He is manipulating this world, and has many ways to offer peace, strength and all kinds of wonderful ways to live in this chaotic world apart from the Lord Jesus Christ.
God is looking to shine in a seriously bright way like never before. We cannot allow ourselves to waste any time, and we must purpose ourselves to be used by Him like never before. If someone else’s rudeness is offensive to you, please….stop and get your peace and pray for them, and then pray for yourself. Let us be watchful over our behavior that the kindness, patience and love of the Lord Jesus Christ is being exhibited through us.
Lord, help us to be mindful to draw upon you at all times especially when we get irritated by others. We ask that as You walk along side of us that you show us those times that we are heeding to the temptation to react in a wrong manner. We desire to be a witness for You, and be a bright light for this world to see!