by Dona Hake
Yesterday I shared about seeing others through God’s eyes. Today I want to focus on seeing our lives in light of God’s eyesight into our lives and our daily issues that we face. May we acknowledge that He sees our life from a perspective that is above and beyond our comprehension. This is why we are called to trust Him in all matters big and small. So today let us look at the word trust.
TRUST: (defined) reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence.
Sometimes the easiest thing to do is turn to your own thoughts and understanding in matters we face. How easy it is to just Google into your phone or computer a problem, and site after site offers knowledge and explanation for us to read. I think this is a wonderful tool but let us be reminded not to lean on our own understanding for God’s ways and thoughts are above anything that earthly knowledge can bring to us. Sometimes leaning on our own understanding or another’s knowledge can become like a crutch or a comfy place. This mentality will quickly weaken our trust in God.
Many times we can overlook the fact that God may be seeing our situation in an entirely different way and it would do us good to throw everything into reverse, be quiet and consult with Him. I think the most common mistake we can make is only taking difficult matters to Him because we think the easy ones we can figure out on our own. Can we consider taking EVERYTHING to God, and make a habit of it?
God has blessed us with intelligence, creativity and know how but let us always be mindful to lean upon Him even in the smallest of matters that He is able to guide our paths. Now let us ask ourselves. “Do I trust His integrity, His strength, His ability,His surety, and everything else that He says that He is?” It would probably do us all good to remind ourselves of who we believe Him to be that we can grow in our trust in Him, and rely upon His ways and not our own. So today I encourage you to lean on Him and not your own understanding. God is faithful and worthy to be trusted!