Wednesday, March 4, 2020

WEdnesday, March , 2020 
 “In The Hidden Part of My Heart”
by Dona Hake
I remember years ago I had a friend in my life, and I can remember the one thing about her that really stood out to me, and that was she just seemed to laugh all the time. To be quite honest some of the things she laughed at seemed odd to me.  The more I got to know her the more I realized that her laughter was her way of hiding pain deep inside of her. It was her way of hiding how she really felt. It finally helped me understand why I felt some of her laughter was out of place so to speak.
There are many people out there like that in this world. Their hearts are broken or they may be bitter.   They may be dealing with things that we know not of but yet on the outside they try to act as if there is nothing wrong. They have learned how to conceal pain, bitterness or weakness because they do not one anyone to touch that area of their life again.
The word we are going to be meditating upon this week is ~hidden~. Let us look at some words that are related to that word…
unknown , concealed, disguised, withheld or masked
(I encourage you to ponder these words with this study of ~hidden~)
God understands what makes each of us tick, for He knew us from the time we were formed in the womb of our mother. He knows all of our faults, all of our fears, and every weakness, and yet He continues to work because He has promised to complete this great work within us. He needs our help though… we must open our hearts to this great God in order that His light can shine upon every place within us.
I leave you with two translations of a scripture in  Psalms for you  to meditate upon, and I look forward to continuing looking at this word with you. Remember, God knows you inside and out and He still accepts you for who you are, and desires to work His great and wonderful will in your life!  All He needs is for you to humbly accept your need for Him to touch you deeply with the  transforming work of His hand.
“But still, You long to enthrone truth throughout
my being; in unseen places deep within me,
You show me wisdom.” 
Psalm 51:6 – The Voice
“I know that you delight to set your truth
deep in my spirit. So come into the hidden
places of my heart and teach me wisdom.
”Psalm 51:6 – The Passion Translation