Wednesday, April 5 , 2017




Devotional for Tuesday, April 5, 2017
“Our Hearts Filled With Hope”


filled to the full

by Dona Hake


Recently I shared about being saturated with the fullness of God.    In the midst of dry land, He promises to satisfy our every need.  He said we would be  like a garden that has plenty of water, like a spring that never goes dry.
Today I want to share about God being our source of hope.  Our God…that place from which we need to be drawing from, He IS the source of all hope.  Our God…that well from which ALL blessings flow!    May our hearts be full of hope and joy as we draw upon Him today.  
Sometimes in the midst of barren or difficult places, hope can seem impossible to our hearts, and our minds are a battlefield as it tempts us to get into reasoning away our faith.     As He is truly our source we will turn to Him and Him alone for all that we need.   He IS the stream that never runs dry and He promised to be a river of life within us.  One translation brings us Romans 15:13 like this:


“May God,


fill you with joy and

peace through your faith in him. Then you will overflow

with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”


Today let us think about Him being our hope.  People will say, “I hope everything works out for you.” or “I am hoping God does this or that…”  May I declare to you that God desires that you see Him as a sure and living hope.   He can ALWAYS be depended on.  He can show Himself to you as that rock in  your dry place where hope and life-giving water gushes from.  What are you believing for today?  If you are praying about something that seems impossible, know that the God of hope will fill you with HIS joy and peace as you place your trust in Him.  Imagine yourself today saturated and overflowing in all of God’s life.    Remember it is only as you draw upon Him that you will experience this!   Praise the God of ALL hope!