by Dona Hake
Yesterday I had shared with you several scriptures regarding our call to walked as our Lord walked.Oh to walk like Jesus walked!!! If you did not get to read Sunday’s devotional, I encourage you to scroll down and read it before you read this one. It is right below this devotional.
Jesus was and is our supreme example to walk on this earth. The beautiful thing is that now we have the Holy Spirit to draw upon at any time for wisdom and direction with every step we take. I have been sharing with you from 1 Corinthians 13 on what God’s love is and is not. I believe as we live in Him, move in Him, and have our being in Him, we will most certainly be walking as He walked, and our words and actions will represent His love. Here is a wonderful scripture that should encourage your heart relative to growing and walking like Him.
Phillipians 1:6 (MSG)
There has never been the slightest doubt in my mind that the God
who started this great work in you would keep at it and bring it to a
flourishing finish on the very day Christ Jesus appears.
One thing that I want to emphasize today is that we are all at different stages in our spiritual growth. Therefore, compare yourself to no one. As you seek His face know that He is molding you with His Word and all He asks for is humility. If you desire for Him to deal with you, you MUST be humble, for a humble heart is a heart that can be molded by Him.
I remember reading a book by Watchman Nee, and he shared how that we all have caverns within our souls that still have not seen the light of His Holy Word. You see, no matter how much we know there will always be understanding that can go to a greater depth. The Lord knows our heart and He desires that His light invades every part of our being. He wants to turn every stone over, and deal with us that we are in a position to fulfill His will and work for Him while we are on this earth. Remember He works in His timing. He is a patient and loving God, and He sees the end result. I encourage you to be patient with yourself in your journey in this life. Know this…as you keep your heart humble and teachable, He is at work, and it is for a great work!