“Living In the Joy of the Moment”
by Dona Hake
As I have mentioned before, many times words spoken that I have heard in sermons or the reading of His Word have touched the depths of my heart, and I love passing them on to you. I have found that there are words that are worthy to be written down and pondered over and over so they may soak deep into my spirit. Today I am returning to some words that are strong and solid and good for my soul to meditate upon. I can remember my husband sharing these words in one of his sermons… “If you live in the past, you’ll have no current joy.” I think one of the saddest things is seeing people live in the pain of their past yet they have so much to be thankful for in the present moment. If we live in the past, even when there are good things going on around us, we may be hindered from even noticing them. The past has the ability to rob us of the good things that are in our life RIGHT NOW! We need to stop and purposely think of each and every good thing that God has blessed us with. If we allow our mind to dwell on the memories of the past we will miss the joy of the moment.
Philippians 3:13 (TLB)
“No, dear brothers, I am still not all I should be, but I am bringing
all my energies to bear on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead…”
I want to encourage you today that if you are tempted to look over your shoulder into your past to STOP! Stop and look at who you are today and how far God has brought you. Stop and think about every blessing you possess whether it be spiritual blessings, family, friends or material things.
Let us not allow the wonderful joys in our present be robbed from us because we feel we are unable to go forward. Know this, God can heal us from the pain and scars of our past. He can give us hope for a future, and He can bring joy unspeakable into our heart and peace that passes all understanding that will permeate our mind. Enjoy the current joys that are around you and allow God to give you the strength to continue to move forward!