“Praise him for his mighty acts: praise
him according to his excellent greatness.”
Today let us meditate upon our Lord’s excellent greatness for He has done great things in our lives. He desires to perfect all that concerns us so let us ever be reminded of what a caring and loving Heavenly Father we have. When doubts and fears try to make us shrink back in our faith, let us call to mind that with man it may seem impossible but with God ALL things are possible. The Hand that created and called into existence the Heaven and Earth waits for you to turn to Him in your time of trouble. The hands that measured the oceans in the palm of His hand are able to touch any situation you face that seems too hard for you. He has promised to strengthen you and pour out His grace upon you this day. He desires to do mighty acts in your life according to His excellent greatness!
Psalm 77:12
“I will meditate also upon all Your
works and consider all Your [mighty] deeds.”
I encourage you to reflect on the times that He has done a mighty work in your life. His Name is called mighty and there is nothing too big for Him. “Now to Him who is ABLE to do above and beyond all you dare ask or think…exceeding your highest hopes and dreams.” Ephesians 3:20