Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Devotional for Tuesday, August 8, 2017
“In God Alone I Will Rest!”
i will rest in god alone
by Dona Hake
Today let us meditate upon our Lord’s rest that He has provided for us.   Do you sometimes go to Him when you are tired but other times you just tolerate feeling tired and weary in the work of your life?   God desires that we stay in a place of rest, for it is there that we are able to live refreshed, and drawing upon Him. It is there that our hearts, minds and bodies are kept by His sustaining power and grace.  His rest just like His peace will surpass our understanding. Let us be honest with ourselves and admit that there are times when we are pushing the boundaries of our bodies and minds to the point of permitting weariness, and we need to return to His rest that He desires for us.  Let us look at this word called rest.
Rest defined:  “relief or freedom, especially from anything that 
wearies, troubles, or disturbs.”
Oh praise the Living God that we can be free of anything that tries to weary, trouble, or disturb our soul.   Let us abide under the shadow of His wings, and I mean abide…live there, hang out, stay there….God wants us to remain before Him. He does not desire we come and go as we please. He does not desire that we come to Him  only when problems arise, but He desires we stay put in His sweet place of rest that He has provided for us. It is as we remain in His presence that we really do experience His rest!

Rest in God alone, my soul, for my hope comes from Him,”
Psalm 62:5 HCSB