Devotional 9.10.20
“Recognizing Where You Are”

by Dona Hake
Today we continue with our pondering on the word ~recognize~. In the previous devotional I mentioned about our lives being way too busy. We need to be careful that we not make it a habit to overbook every second of our life. God desires that we make room for Him in every aspect of our living for Him. The enemy would love to see our recognition of proper use of our time to become dull, therefore living without the energy to do what He desires of us. Our enemy understands how to wear our souls down if we permit him to.
Last Sunday my husband made mention in his message, “God will always meet us where we are…” How wonderful this is to know! So I pose this question to you, do you know where you are? Are you honest with yourself? Do you recognize the condition of your soul each and every day you awaken? We have all been here long enough to know that some days can be good and some days came be full of trials that could possible drain our souls. Let us find those times within our day to fellowship with Jesus, and share our heart with Him. Ask Him questions, seek His heart in the smallest of things.
Praise God that our Lord knows the condition of our hearts inside and out. He knows where we are lacking, and praise God He also sees our growth. He knows what lies ahead of us… Let us persist in recognizing the work the Lord is doing in us!
“I pray with great faith for you, because I’m fully convinced that the One who began this glorious work in you will faithfully continue the process of maturing you and will put his finishing touches to it until the unveiling of our Lord Jesus Christ!”
Philippians 1:6 -TPT
Philippians 1:6 -TPT
Cause us Father God to recognize the work you desire to perform In our hearts. Remind us that we are a work in progress, and You are faithful to complete it. We ask your Holy Spirit to reminder us to maintain humble hearts. Help us to recognize when we are tempted to merely perform in this life. Turn our eyes to recognize your wonderful grace, peace and strength and all that we do. In Jesus Name! amen.