Thursday, March 26, 2020

Devotional 3/26/20
“Open Your Heart and Give To Him”
“The wise men left Herod’s chambers and
went on their way. The star they had
first seen in the East reappeared—
a miracle that, of course, overjoyed
and enraptured the wise men.
The star led them to the house
where Jesus lay; and as soon as the
wise men arrived, they saw Him
with His mother Mary, and they
bowed down and worshiped Him.
They unpacked their satchels and
gave Jesus gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
“Matthew 2:9–11 The Voice Translation

The following is a side note in the Voice Translation. I found it very interesting what they are sharing as far as the significance of each one of the gifts the wisemen brought.

“These are exceptionally good gifts,
for gold is what is given a king,
and Jesus is the King of kings;
incense is what you expect to be given a priest,
and Jesus is the High Priest of all high priests;
myrrh ointment is used to heal, and Jesus is a healer.
But myrrh is also used to embalm corpses—
and Jesus was born to die. “
(side note in Voice Translation)
Today we continue with the word ~open~. Here in the Scriptures we see that the closer the wisemen came to finding Jesus they were overjoyed and enraptured. They were simply delighted beyond measure!! As they dropped to their knees they unpacked and opened their satchels and they gave to Him, and each gift had a special meaning.
Today I encourage you to meditate upon these Scriptures as you draw near to Him. As you  pray and seek Him, open up your heart, and give to Him. Give Him your gifts and abilities and of course always permit Him to flow through you as He wills. Also, give Him your weaknesses and imperfections for in them He will strengthen you and perfect that which concerns you.
Today permit the King of Kings and Lord of Lords to bless you with wisdom and revelation that you know not of … it is then that you will know Him in a deeper way.

“God of our Lord Jesus the Anointed, Father of Glory:
I call out to You on behalf of Your people.
Give them minds ready to receive wisdom
and revelation so they will truly know You.
Open the eyes of their hearts,
and let the light of Your truth flood in.
Shine Your light on the hope
You are calling them to embrace.
Reveal to them the glorious riches
You are preparing as their inheritance.
Let them see the full extent of Your
power that is at work in those of us who believe,
and may it be done according to Your might
and power. Friends, it is this same might
and resurrection power that He used in
the Anointed One to raise Him from
the dead and to position Him at His
right hand in heaven.
There is nothing over Him.”
Ephesians 1:17-29. The Voice Translation-