Devotional for Thursday, March 2, 2017
“But There Is One That Never Changes”

by Dona Hake
As a rule most people do not like change of any kind. I have heard it said that 67% of the population hates change. Today let us meditate on the truth that there is One that never changes, and that is the Lord Jesus Christ! Let us praise Him today that He remains the same. His Word does not change nor does it weaken in the midst of any storm that we may face.
He said He will never leave us, and He will never forsake us. His Word tells us that EVERY morning His mercies are new, His faithfulness is toward us, and He promises His grace to flow toward us. Every day He stands by that promise for He never changes! My heart is so grateful that His love never changes for me. Even if we mess up, He still loves us just the same. Faithfully He waits for the humble heart to turn to Him for forgiveness and He cleanses that soul. Praise God, He NEVER changes!
He is always by our side. I am so glad that we can count on that. His ear is always towards us when we pray. Today let us continue to dwell in this beautiful truth that Jesus promised to never leave or forsake us, no matter what happens…He is always there, for He never changes!
Hebrews 13:8 (VOICE)
“Jesus the Anointed One is always the same: yesterday, today, and forever.”