Now permit me to share my heart with you. I have seen in my Christian walk at times where I will feel guilty when I mess up whether it be the words I speak or thoughts that I think that are not pleasing to my Lord. I praise God for His wonderful forgiveness but I have had to learn that being able to forgive myself is so important when I mess up. I desire in the depths of my heart to be so pleasing to the Lord yet I have come to understand that the Lord understands me greater than I do and when I fail him and ask forgiveness He is faithful to restore my soul. God desires that our life be free from care and worry, and He desires that we be full of His peace. Let us look at Philippians as we meditate upon asking God for what we need, and not worrying about unresolved things,weaknesses or failures that are in our life.
Philippians 4:6-7 easy to read version
Don’t worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks for what you have.
And because you belong to Christ Jesus, God’s peace will stand guard over all your thoughts and feelings. His peace can do this far better than our human minds.
These are two very special things that I include in my prayer time almost every day. You see, as we ask God to keep our minds quiet, we will indeed practicing peaceful thinking, I believe this has helped me in the meditations of my heart and my words being acceptable to Him. I love asking God for His strength for He has promised that I can do all things through his strength. Thinking about quiet energy just touches my heart every time I read those words.
I encourage you to also keep a record of things that God speaks to your heart in a very special way. It is as we pray those things over and over that they go deep into our soul and minister to our hearts according to our walk with Him and His will for us.
Lord we ask you this day that you help us to guard the meditations of our hearts and the thoughts that we think. We thank You that You are able to keep our minds quiet that we may practice peaceful thinking. We thank You for that peace that stands guard over our hearts! In Jesus Name, Amen.