“The Wonderful Power In the Blood”

power in the blood
by Dona Hake
Today I want to encourage your heart to think about the blood that purchased your redemption.  Oh that we would remember and give thanks to Jesus for the supreme sacrifice as He gave His life that we would be set free from the bondage of sin.   Do you remember the day that you were born again?  I can remember it like it was yesterday.   As a new believer in the Lord Jesus I experienced the miraculous feeling of heavy weights falling off of me.   Everything was different, and my eyes were opened to the light of His glorious love.   I love returning to that memory because it was truly the most miraculous thing that ever happened to me.     Let us read a portion of the beautiful hymn written by Lewis E. Jones.

“Would you be whiter, much whiter than snow?
There’s pow’r in the blood, pow’r in the blood;
Sin-stains are lost in its life-giving flow;
There’s wonderful pow’r in the blood.

There is pow’r, pow’r, wonder-working pow’r
In the blood of the Lamb;
There is pow’r, pow’r, wonder-working pow’r
In the precious blood of the Lamb.”

Lyrics from “There’s Power In the Blood”
by Lewis E. Jones

I love this old hymn because it challenges my heart to remember that Jesus did what no one else could do for me. Today I encourage you to remember that your heart is whiter than snow because of what He did at the cross. Because He lives we can face our today and every tomorrow in the strength and power of all that He is!

Psalm 103:12 (CJB)
“He has removed our sins from us
as far as the east is from the west.”