by Dona Hake
Yesterday I was taking my little Granddaughter to breakfast, and it was bitterly cold and windy. As we were walking from the car to the restaurant I found myself walking a bit faster than usual forgetting the little feet beside me were running to keep up with me. I looked down and found her watching my feet, and trying her best to keep pace. I realized I needed to slow down for her, but what stood out to me was that she was trying her best to walk like Grandma, and keep up! After all she knew she was heading for her favorite breakfast restaurant!
Do you observe the pace that the Lord is desiring to walk? Sometimes things can seem to be moving slowly, and then out of nowhere business picks up and the Lord is doing all kinds of things around you. The most important thing is that we are diligently observing the footsteps of the Lord, as He has promised to walk beside us.
Psalm 37:23 (AMP)
“The steps of a [good] man are directed and
established by the Lord when He delights in his way
[and He busies Himself with his every step].”
The Lord is very interested in the paths that we walk on. I love how the Amplified version say that He busies Himself with my every step! It is important that we know He is delighting in the path that we are walking. All too often we can get into our own ways and ability, and stray from the path He desires. Today I encourage you to look often at the path or ways you are choosing for God desires to walk with you, but most importantly He desires to walk in the way that He has chosen just for you! Be strong in the Lord and follow His steps.
Psalm 84:5
“Happy are those who are strong in the Lord,
who want above all else to follow your steps.”