“The Peace Only Jesus Gives”

Peace is seeing a sunset NOT WM

by Dona Hake

I have a neighbor friend that owns horses.  She told me if I ever wanted to visit her farm that I was welcome to stop in anytime.  I can remember the evening I decided to visit her beautiful horses.    I had a very busy and long day and to be quite honest, I was exhausted, and I was having a hard time focusing on doing much of anything. On that evening that I grabbed my camera and headed to her farm.  Even though I was a complete stranger these horses all greeted me with a warm welcome, and they all seemed to enjoy my presence. As they walked away and enjoyed the lush green grass in their pasture I was able to get the image I shared today.

As I stood there and just soaked up the evening sun, and the  peace and quiet, I was reminded of His beautiful creation and peace just swept over me.  Sometimes we just need to stop in the midst of our busy lifestyles and soak up all that God has blessed us with.  Too many times we can become consumed with life’s demands and problems and we simply forget.  What do we forget?  We forget that His peace is there for the asking.  His peace is like none other and we need to pause and bask in it.  I believe that the more we do this, the more we will hate when we lose that peace.

John 14:27 (ERV)
“I leave you peace. It is my own peace I give you.

I give you peace in a different way than the

world does. So don’t be troubled…”

It does not take big problems to cause one’s heart to be troubled.  It can be those little cares that seem  to “snowball” in our minds.  It is those little things that can indeed cause our hearts to be troubled and afraid.  Give it all, big or small.  Let us remember to stop and pause as much as we are able and be blessed by the peace that only He can give.
