by Dona Hake
I saw a young man being interviewed on the news the other morning. It was quite an interesting and touching story. This young man served in Afghanistan, and like many of our men and women that serve in combat they come back home, and many deal with a whole realm of physical as well of severe emotional issues. He began to share that he could see the depression that he suffered was getting out of hand. He had lost two of his friends that he was in combat with to suicide. As he saw his condition worsen he decided to seek help. He began to take medications that were prescribed to him to help him deal with this severe depression only to find that the medications were actually worsening his condition. In the midst of his battle he went in a direction that has turned his life around.
This precious young man decided to purchase a beautiful German Shepherd that was a service dog to him to help aid him. There are service dogs specifically trained to guard and minister help to those veterans that deal with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome). As they were interviewing him, the camera would show this wonderful dog faithfully at his feet. He shared how his dog has helped him so much. He is trained to stay by this young man’s side at all times. This dog is so sensitive to him that even while he is asleep the dog is still tuned in to this man’s needs. He said if he is starting to have a bad dream or nightmare, the dog senses it, and wakes him up by getting by his side and gently licking him, and comforting him. The dog is also trained to the sensitivity of this young man’s emotions that he can tell when this young man is upset in any way, and again it moves to faithfully give comfort. The story just really touched my heart. Although there is still much research to be done to help our veterans, it made me realize how far we have come in this realm, Let this remind us that we need to keep our veterans in prayer. They battle a different war even after they have returned from the battlefield.
As I pondered this beautiful story, it began to remind me that we too have a Comforter that was promised to us. God knew that there are things that we will face that will tempt us to fear or even give up. Jesus has come alongside of us, and He promises to comfort us no matter what we are dealing with. He is our best friend, and He has promised to guard our hearts and minds with His peace. I thank God that the Holy Spirit has been sent to stay by our sides. He is keenly aware when we are troubled, in anxiety, or afraid. He too is there to interrupt our bad dreams and fears, and gently minister His peace to us. Today, let us praise Him for the ministry of the Holy Spirit in our lives!
John 14:16 AMP “And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor—Counselor, Strengthener, Standby), to be with you forever—”