by Dona Hake
NOTHING can separate us. He is NEVER distant, and He will NEVER leave or forsake us. I think this is a vital truth to meditate on for it is a truth that no one can take from us. No situation is big enough to separate us from our loving God, and in this we can always rejoice. Whether things are going great or it seems like everything is going wrong…NOTHING can separate us from Him and His unfailing love.
Romans 8:39 ERV
“….nothing in the whole created world—
will ever be able to separate us from the love God has shown
us in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Our lives are busy and full of many things. We purpose to set time aside to eat, sleep, work and play. Let us be as diligent to purposely carve out moments during the day, and dedicate them to sit in His presence, praise Him, love Him and acknowledge Him in all our ways. Talk with Him about how you feel and what you fear. Ask Him about everything that concerns you. He is bound to you by His love! Do not go by feelings and do not go by what you see. He is ALWAYS with you and nothing can separate you from Him. Today I encourage you to praise Him from the depths of your heart because of His inseparable love for you!!