by Dona Hake
I originally had a devotional set to send you, and in my heart I felt to change it up, and break it into several devotionals. My heart has been stirred over the past week as I have been meditating upon maintaining peace and a clear mind. I believe there is so much power in possessing a mind that is free of distraction and a mind that truly possesses the peace of Christ.
Today I want to cause you to think about how our Lord is there for us at all times. Think about it….the God of ALL peace is with us! He is never too busy, He is never distracted by world affairs, and He is ready to impart to you exactly what you need, especially His peace! We are the apple of His eye and He desires that we love Him with all of our hearts. During the Christmas season our minds can be tempted to race so fast for all of it’s demands can cause us to feel there is not enough time in the day.The Lord desires that we listen to Him with minds and hearts that are not distracted by the cares, planning or worries of this life.
May we purpose that we are keeping our priorities as the Lord is directing us, and let us not permit our goals and priorities to be according to what the world says we are to do. Many times during the holiday season we may find ourselves neglecting our proper time with the Lord, and our stressed minds can cloud our focus and we may fail in being sensitive to those around us. A mind that is clear and at peace will make right decisions that proceed from His wisdom. Many times our insensitivity to those around us may proceed from having too much on our minds, and we simply do not think before we act and speak. What is sad too is that many times we may be acting insensitively, and not even realize it.
Over the next few days, I am feeling led to share on holding fast to His peace and enjoying the beauty of a heart and mind that is ruled by that peace…that peace that passes all human understanding. I am going to touch on maintaining our sensitivity with God as well as those around us.
Lord we thank You this day that Your peace can touch our hearts and minds in the midst of whatever is going on around us. We can be anywhere, and if confusion tries to rob our peace, we can trust You to make those “winds” be still in our life! We praise You for that wonderful peace, in Jesus Name! Amen.
Philippians 4:7 (Amplified)
And the peace of God [that peace which reassures the heart, that peace] which transcends all understanding, [that peace which] stands guard over your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus [is yours].