by Dona Hake
God is great and all His works are to be greatly praised. From the time that He created the Heavens and Earth to this very day, He continues to show Himself mighty and His wonders never cease. Today we will meditate upon how our God is boundless. He is infinite, vast and all that He can do is unlimited. His ways and thoughts are higher than our ways, and it will always exceed our comprehension. Whenever I think about God surpassing my comprehension I always think of this scripture. In Philippians 4:7 Paul said “And God’s peace, which ·is so great we cannot understand it [transcends/surpasses all comprehension], will ·keep [guard] your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” Many times a situation could be so overwhelming to us, and anxiety could be trying to take over our souls, yet as we look to Him we begin to be permeated with His peace. I find that so awesome especially when you are in the midst of a troubling situation, and in the natural not one thing has changed for the positive at that point, yet His peace overwhelms us. Now that is God showing us that He is the God that is not limited by anything!
When I think of how great our God is, I realize that our understanding is limited because He is God and everything about Him is beyond the bounds of human comprehension!! Today, I just want to share a few scriptures with you to think upon relative to this word ~boundless~.
Psalm 147:5
“Great is our Lord and of great power; His understanding is inexhaustible and boundless.”
“Great is our Lord and of great power; His understanding is inexhaustible and boundless.”
Ephesians 6:10
“In conclusion, be strong in the Lord
[be empowered through your union with Him];
draw your strength from Him [that strength
which His boundless might provides].“
1 Peter 1:3
“Praised (honored, blessed) be the God and Father
of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah)!
By His boundless mercy we have been born
again to an ever-living hope through the resurrection
of Jesus Christ from the dead…”
Father God we thank You that You are the One of boundless understanding, You exhibit boundless love, boundless might, boundless peace, and boundless mercy! Lord, there are so many ways that you show us that You are limited in NOT one thing! Help us to grow in our understanding that You are the God that desires to work in and through us in boundless ways that we can touch the world around us.