by Dona Hake
I am devoting this month to reflect on the many things that we need to be thankful for. Today I want us to reflect on the fact that we have angels watching over us. I am thinking we will never know how many times our angels spared us from disaster and we did not even have a clue. Did you ever just feel you were to take a different route home, and you were just obedient? I believe in those times that the gentle hand of our Lord could be steering us away from potential danger. Let us be mindful to praise Him and thank Him each day for His guiding loving Spirit and His angels that take care of us and our loved ones.
I can remember a few years ago driving through a heavy construction area, and I was spared being in an accident. Had I not looked into my rear view mirror I would not have realized what I was spared from. I did not notice that there was a man literally on the tail of my car. I was driving around a bend in the road and was unable to see that there was a line of traffic sitting still, which forced me to an abrupt stop. I tried my best to stop as safely and quickly as I could even though the traffic in front of me was slowly beginning to move. I was able to stop and then slowly move with the traffic, but because the man behind me was too close, he almost hit me. I just happened to look into my mirror and saw this gentlemen completely go off the road to avoid hitting me. The car behind him had to also steer off abruptly to avoid hitting him. Behind that car was a Mack truck, and I could see that the driver of the truck was fully aware of what was going on. Thank God he was able to stop in a safe manner. Do you get the picture of the accident that could have occurred?
As I continued on the road I had to laugh to myself because the gentleman that almost hit me stayed about ten car lengths behind me the rest of the way on this road. Yes, I was thanking God, but had I not glanced into my rear view mirror in that split second, I would not even had known what I was spared from. I was thanking the Lord that He had my back in what could have been a bad accident.
Today I encourage you to think about the times that you know His angels were there to protect you. God is so good and He is ever so faithful to take care of us! Let us be thankful that He has set His angels to watch over us!
Psalm 91:11 (EXB)
” He has put his angels in charge of [commanded his angels/messengers concerning] you
to watch over [keep; guard] you wherever you go [ all your ways].