Devotional for Sunday, January 29, 2017
“Jesus the Prince of Peace”
by Dona Hake
“…and His Name SHALL be called the Prince of Peace! Oh let us praise our Lord today for the peace He has brought to our lives. I am so grateful for that precious peace, and I cannot imagine this life without it. In a world full of changes, trouble and turmoil, He promised that He would leave us His peace. He said it would not be peace like the world gives so we know that His peace is not affected by anything we have to walk through. There is no valley too deep or storm so great that His peace cannot endure.
Jesus, the Prince of Peace desires that His peace rule and reign in our heart. He desires that we walk in His peace for His peace passes all human comprehension. When all is falling apart around us, His peace can calm our heart and bring it to rest. Just as He desires that we not hide His glorious Light under a bushel, He desires that we emanate His precious peace to a world that needs to be touched by it.
I encourage you today to think about that precious gift of peace that is always there for you. He desires that His peace dominate your thoughts and act as the Umpire of your heart.
“And let the peace (soul harmony which comes)
from Christ rule (act as umpire continually)
in your hearts [deciding and settling with
finality all questions that arise in your minds…”
Colossians 3:15
from Christ rule (act as umpire continually)
in your hearts [deciding and settling with
finality all questions that arise in your minds…”
Colossians 3:15
Father, we ask You this day to permeate us with Your peace that
passes the understanding of our minds. May we display it in a world
in which peace is needed so desperately. May we also permit
Your peace to rule and reign even in the midst of life’s storms.
We are so thankful for You Lord, for You meet our every need.
In Jesus Name, Amen!