Devotional for Sunday, April 2, 2017
“Experiencing Abundance in the Dry Lands”
by Dona Hake
Isaiah 58:11 (ERV)
“The Lord will always lead you and satisfy your needs in dry lands.
He will give strength to your bones.
You will be like a garden that has plenty of water,
like a spring that never goes dry.”
There is such beauty in this scripture. Just think about the times in which you feel as if life has made you feel like you are in a dry land and you are weary. If you have lived on this earth for much time at all you well know and understand what I am referring to. The trials and tests of this life can drain us but bless God!!!….He has promised we can remain as a garden that has plenty of water. We can be as a spring that never runs dry!
This makes me think about how we need to be saturated in the living Word of our Lord. The origin of the word saturate is to be full or well-fed. One of it’s definitions is to soak, impregnate, or imbue thoroughly or completely. I am thinking how one could saturate a sponge with water and just lay it down. If one returns and squeezes it, the water will begin to come forth from the sponge. That which was within the depths of the sponge is now seen through the pressure of the squeeze. As we stay full of the life of our God we need not fear the pressures of this life. We can be as a spring that never runs dry in the midst of dry times and times of trials that serve to wear us down. We will be as that sponge…when pressures are applied, all that is stored up within us will be there to sustain us. We will not be empty, we will be full! God’s Word is living and able to keep us sustained through any test or pressure this life brings.
Today I encourage you to dwell upon the fact that the Lord desires to lead you and satisfy your needs if you are walking through dry times. It is as life puts the squeeze on us that the Lord can release His living water from deep within our souls. He has promised to us that He would give us a river that was incapable of running dry. I would like you to also see yourself as a refreshment to those around you that may be walking through times of need and weariness. Let us be used as a blessing of the Lord wherever we can!