Devotional for Saturday, March 11, 2017
“Do You Have a Heart That Gives Him Thanks?”

It had been a while since I had been able to take my granddaughters to breakfast since they were back in their new school year. At last they had a day off school, and I was looking forward to spending the day with them. We pulled up to our favorite restaurant, and they excitedly jumped out of the car, and could not wait to get inside the restaurant. They have a favorite waitress that loves to see them, and they were anxious to see her! Before we got to the entrance I saw a sweet older gentleman waiting as he saw us approaching the restaurant. He politely opened the door as the girls and I walked through. They had their mind set on running up to the waitress and giving her a hug but I stopped them and said , “Girls, you need to say thank you to the gentleman for opening the door for you.” They both looked up at him and smiled and exclaimed their thanks. As we walked away I commented to them that whenever a gentleman opens the door for them they need to always say thank you. I love teachable moments like this!
Aren’t we the same though? We get our minds on things or excitement may be flooding our hearts, and we forget sometimes the most important thing of the moment. A lot of times when little things like this happen they seem to stick in my mind, and cause me to ponder spiritual truths. I began to think about how many times throughout our day that the Lord does precious things for us, He blesses us, and takes care of our needs. Many times He goes before us and “opens doors” before us as His wonderful grace flows in our direction. It made me think about the many times God so graciously blesses me, and I may forget to thank him.
Today I just want to encourage your heart to thankfulness. Thank him for the many things He has done in your life. Thank Him for the testimonies that your life bears as you serve Him. Today I encourage you to speak of His wonderful works to those around you, and thank Him every opportunity that you have. I leave you with the scripture to meditate upon.
Psalm 105:1-4
O give thanks to the Lord, call upon His name;
Make known His deeds among the people.
Sing to Him, sing praises to Him; Speak of all
His wonderful acts and devoutly praise them.
Glory in His holy name; Let the hearts of those who seek
and require the Lord as their most essential need rejoice.
Seek and deeply long for the Lord and His strength His power, His might;
Seek and deeply long for His face and His presence continually.