Saturday, June 20, 2020

Devotional 6/20/20
“Walk In Love, Be Just, Walk Humbly
by Dona Hake
We continue with our meditation upon being transformed. As I said yesterday God desires to be delighted in His heart as we live to serve Him in holiness. Let us reflect on a portion of Micah 6:8 from the Amplified version. I will sum it up in a nutshell.
Be just.
Diligently practice walking in love.
Walk humbly with your God.
In the Amplified version there is emphasis on what walking humbly is:
“setting aside any overblown
sense of importance or self righteousness.”
As we purpose to live the transformed life we need to daily remind ourselves of who we are in Christ. Remember, you are only who you because of the good grace of God. Oh that we keep our minds renewed to this!
Many times the sin of exhibiting an overblown sense of importance or self righteousness stems from the sin of envy, fear of failure, or comparing ourselves to others and their accomplishments. I am quite sure there are other reasons for such behavior but those are what I felt to mention here.
I encourage you today to rejoice in where God has brought you from. I think human tendency can fall so much on focusing on who we are not and what we do not see happening within us.   While we do need to press in to strengthen anything that could hinder our going forward, we need to keep looking to Him.  Let us ponder that we are all a work in progress, and know that He is able to complete that good work in us.
You can not make it happen, ONLY God can transform you!  He is able to do great things in your very own unique transformation process that is able to exceed your prayers, goals and highest dreams. So let us walk in love, be just, and walk humbly before God and man.