Devotional for Saturday, April 1, 2017
“…and His Power Will Rest Upon Us”
by Dona Hake
Yesterday we took time to meditate upon God’s grace. We looked at Paul’s frustration as he begged God to deliver him, and God’s response to him was that he had everything he needed. Paul came to understand that when he was powerless as he turned from his own ability that he would then be strong in God’s grace. He came to see that the mighty God above wanted to rest upon Him with His great strength that only comes from grace. Today we will meditate further to deepen this revelation. His rest is in Him and in Him we will find freedom from anything that wearies, troubles, or disturbs our souls. As we rest alone in God, His power will rest upon us.
You know we overwork our bodies at times and more than likely our minds are overworked on a regular basis. Daily responsibilities and cares can just take it out of us. Many times weariness sets into our souls at a pace that can be so subtle that we do not even realize it is happening. I think the secret of this is knowing when we have stepped out of God’s rest and peace and into our own ability. Let us pray that the Holy Spirit would show us when we are not relying upon Him as we should.
God desires that we stay in a place of rest for it is there that we are able to live refreshed and drawing upon Him. It is there that our hearts, minds and bodies are kept in check. It is there that there is strength and peace beyond any comprehension. It is the peace that guards our hearts and minds. If we are honest with ourselves we need to admit there are times when we are pushing the boundaries of our bodies and minds out of God’s precious rest. We need to return to His rest that He desires for us.
Let us abide under the shadow of His wings and I mean abide…live there, hang out, stay there….God wants us to remain before Him. He does not desire we come and go as we please. He does not desire that we come to Him when only when problems come up, but He desires we stay put. It is as we rest in this place that we really do experience His rest!
“Rest in God alone, my soul, for my hope comes from Him,”
Psalm 62:5 HCSB