by Dona Hake
I want to wish everyone a very Happy New Year. Have you been thinking about this day being the first day of 2016 as a clean slate? Many of you might have set some goals, or are bringing some desires to the Lord in which you want to see come to pass. Nevertheless, I feel strongly that no matter how we see this January 1st, we must carry with us in our hearts the desire to diligently seek Him everyday, every minute, and every step. Of course He desires that we have new goals and desires, but let us first of all give them to Him, and permit Him to bring those things to pass in our lives. After all He is our Shepherd, shall we think today about how we should make sure that He is never out of our sight, and may we purpose to draw daily upon His grace for all that we need and all that we need to do.
Psalm 85:11-13 BRG Bible
” Truth shall spring out of the earth; and righteousness shall look down from heaven.
Yea, the Lord shall give that which is good; and our land shall yield her increase.
Righteousness shall go before him; and shall set us in the way of his steps.”
May we continue to grow in truth and righteousness this new year. I love how this translation says, “Righteousness shall go before him; and shall set us in the way of his steps.” As I meditated on this I began to think of a small child on the sands of a beach finding some big footsteps of an adult. Walking along, the child carefully places her feet inside the big footprint. So it is with us as we desire to cling to our Lord and follow Him closely. His footprints are established in truth and righteousness. They are rock solid, and as we purpose to walk within his footprints, we will always be within the borders of His will for our lives.
Lord, we thank You this day for a New Year in which we can set our hearts to live for You and serve You. May we be mindful that we are living for Your truth and righteousness. Help us to be mindful of keeping ourselves in the way of Your steps and not our own. Even in those times that Your way may not make sense to us, help us to be mindful that Your ways are higher than our ways, and You understand the big picture of the work in our life. In Jesus Name, amen!