Psalm 119:1-5 TLB
Happy are all who perfectly follow the laws of God.
Happy are all who search for God and always do his will,
rejecting compromise with evil and walking only in his paths.
You have given us your laws to obey—
oh, how I want to follow them consistently.
Happy are all who search for God and always do his will,
rejecting compromise with evil and walking only in his paths.
You have given us your laws to obey—
oh, how I want to follow them consistently.
The other morning I was feeling to turn to Psalms 119 and read, and I found the TLB translation of these scriptures to touch my heart. These scriptures speak to my heart that I will be happy and joyful as I purpose to follow Him and walk in His ways. I will also be fulfilled as I search for Him in the midst of my day. I love the next part…~rejecting compromise with evil and walking only in his paths.~ There will be times that the devil will try to tempt us to compromise God’s Word and replace it with his evil ways. We must refuse to do so, we must take a stand to never grant the devil an in to our life for it will grieve the Lord, and rob us of the joy we have when we are walking uncompromisingly with the Lord.
The portion of scripture is summed up with the fact that we were given His Word to obey, and we should desire to follow every one of His commands consistently. Lord, we ask You this day that You would teach us and give us discerning hearts that we may recognize when the evil one is trying to get us to compromise the truth of Your Holy Word. We desire to walk wholly in Your Word that our life would bless You and glorify You in all that we do and say! In Jesus Name, amen.