Monday, May 14, 2018

Devotional for Tuesday, May 15, 2018
“The Bread We Need For Today”

by Dona Hake


Matthew 6:11 (CEB)

“Give us the bread we need for today.”


“…the bread we need today.“ These words are a reminder to live one day at a time. They remind me that I serve a faithful God that knows exactly what I need today, and He will provide it. It is so easy to become preoccupied with tomorrow and its needs. Our Lord instructed us in His Word in Matthew 6:11 to simply ask. We need to believe Him to give us the nourishment our spirit man needs to thrive and grow. May we desire the bread from heaven for it is truly our sustenance. As He faithfully sustained us today, He will surely sustain the needs of our tomorrows.
Physical hunger will prompt us to eat, and of course we need to feed our bodies that we be healthy and have energy for this life. Therefore, let us also understand that our spirit man needs to be kept fed from the Bread of Heaven that it be strong and healthy. Let us not be deceived to think that we can live on the fumes of yesterday’s faith and testimonies. May we be diligent to read His Word and meditate upon it daily in order that our spirit, soul and mind are thriving on the nourishment of this Bread of Life.
Oh Lord, we ask You for the needed bread for this day, and we believe we receive it. We thank You that you are well able to give to us in accordance to our needs. Oh Lord you are the wonderful provision for our life, and for that we are thankful!