by Dona Hake
A few days ago I heard a young man being interviewed, and he said such a powerful thing. He was talking about going into the fight to destroy the enemy that is presently in a relentless pursuit of terrorizing, torturing, and many are dying as martyrs for the name of our Lord by this group. The woman interviewing this young man said, “Aren’t you afraid of being captured?” His response was powerful, and convicting to my heart…He said, “When you do not fear death, you do not fear being captured. If we are captured we are willing to die for the cause.” I still am touched thinking about his response.
Today I want to encourage you to remember those in the many wars in the past that also embraced that attitude. To remember something is to keep it retained in the heart and mind. It is when one purposes to remain aware of something. In the past there have been men and women that went into the battle determined to fight for the cause of our freedom. Only thing is they never returned to enjoy the freedom they went to fight for. Today let us think often in our hearts, and be thankful for the many freedoms you enjoy today.
President Abraham Lincoln referred to one dying for his country as the full measure of devotion. The valor of men and women that never came back from war made possible our freedoms, our values, and our very existence.
Did you know that a few years ago Congress passed the National Moment of Remembrance Act. It asked Americans to pause for one minute at 3:00 p.m. local time and think about those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.
It may seem like a small gesture, but it’s a way to, however briefly, keep faith with those heroes and maintain a tradition worth keeping.
Romans 13:7 (AMP)
“… respect to whom respect is due, and honor to whom honor is due.”