by Dona Hake
We continue with our study in I Corinthians 13 and we are presently on the verse, “Love is not proud.” I am going to share the same scripture that I shared yesterday.
Psalm 131:1O
Eternal One, my
heart is not occupied with proud thoughts; my eyes do not look down
on others; I don’t even begin to get involved in matters too big,
matters of faith, state, business, or the many things that defy my
ability to understand them.
Eternal One, my
heart is not occupied with proud thoughts; my eyes do not look down
on others; I don’t even begin to get involved in matters too big,
matters of faith, state, business, or the many things that defy my
ability to understand them.
Today we will focus on how important it is that we never look down on others. Yesterday our focus was on the importance of guarding our hearts from pride. When one’s heart is prideful they will always find reason to look down on those around them. Therefore, they will lift themselves up in pride. I think how grieved this must make God to see His people do this. I can always remember being told that the ground is level around the cross. He came to save all mankind. He looks down on no one as lesser than another. His blood was shed for all mankind, and in the eyes of God, there is hope for all of us.
Our Loving Heavenly Father is merciful and loving to all, and He expects that we do and think the same. If one feels they have reason to put themselves above others, remember this…their opinions and reasons for this thinking hold no water in the sight of God. Remember, God hates the sin of pride.
I want to encourage you today to keep your heart laid open to God relative to how you view and treat people. Many times and sadly enough people put people down just because it makes them feel good about themselves. I find it so sad to think that this is how one would seek self esteem. This must be so grievous to the heart of our Lord. We need to see ourselves in light of how God sees us. Again, as we stay humble before Him and we constantly permit Him to examine our hearts, I believe that He will show us the ugly sin of pride if it is trying to creep in. Be quick to repent if you catch yourself in this sin of looking down on people. God is good and merciful to restore us and purify our hearts.