by Dona Hake
We are continuing to look at I Corinthians 13:5 in part…
“…Love (God’s love in us) does not insist on its own rights or its own way,
for it is not self-seeking; …”
for it is not self-seeking; …”
We have all seen and heard it in little ones: “I’ll do it myself!” “It’s mine!” “He has more than me, it’s not fair!” “But I have to have it!!!” “I want it now!” You could probably add a few to the list. This kind of behavior can wear you down but we all know that every child is going to to act in this manner until they are taught differently, therefore growing and maturing. If a child is not challenged in such behavior, they will eventually grow up to think the world should come to a screeching halt when something is not going their way.
I think the thing that must really grieve the heart of God is when the His children do not deal with self seeking tendencies, and they become totally absorbed in their own little world. I think more than ever that this world is swirling at a rapid pace, and if we are not diligently pursuing Him, our eyes can quickly be too much on ourselves. The devil desires to see us consumed in ourselves, because he knows it will keep us from being used, and being effective for Jesus. There are so many ways the enemy will try to deceive us in this area. May we be vigilant to watch over our souls that we may not be snared in being self seeking individuals.
Have you ever wanted something that was not something that was truly a need? There is a big difference between wanting something and needing something. We live in a world where fashions, makeup, hair, etc….scream from the billboards and oh my….don’t get me started on the magazines at the checkout of our grocery stores. They remind us of what we should try to look like, and we all well know that the beauty, etc…put before us is something very hard to measure up to. The Lord desires for us to focus on all that He desires, that we may grow up, and mature in Him. The beauty, strength, and success that comes from the Lord cannot be bought nor attained with money or our own ability. When our eyes are off of ourselves, He can truly go to work within us!
Today I encourage you to keep your eyes on Him. Focus on Him with all of your inward being. It is as you do this that your eyes will see what really matters. Today let us purpose to be God seekers not self seekers. Remember, God is able and all so willing to help you grow in Him, and decrease in self. Trust Him for His guidance and wisdom in Jesus Name!