by Dona Hake
This morning I was having my breakfast and coffee while watching the news. My jaw dropped as the woman being interviewed was condoning and encouraging that it is okay when people tell little “white lies.” She exclaimed that some types of lies are just simply a polite way of dealing with people. I am not going to apologize to anyone for proclaiming that I feel any kind of lie, no matter how small or white is wrong. I can remember thinking as a teenager that is was okay to lie about certain things. I can remember as well how troubled it would make me feel inside. I did it because my friends did it and I gathered it was okay. May I add that I can remember the day that the Lord totally liberated me to His truth!
So what is a white lie? This is what the definition was: a minor or unimportant lie, esp one uttered in the interests of tact or politeness. In those times we do not know how to react to people it is best just to keep our mouths shut rather than be dishonest with them.
I have heard it said before that the thing about telling lies is that you better remember exactly how you told it or you will get caught. There is so much freedom in being truthful to others and most importantly being true to yourself. One of my most favorite quotes that I feel is an excellent one to live by was by William Shakespeare.
“This above all: to thine own self be true, and it must follow,
as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.”
as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.”
Today I encourage you to embrace truth in your heart. You know…God in heaven has promised to keep His Word and He never lies. He never changes and He is dependable. TRUTH is such a liberating way to live! Let us look to Him to teach us to walk in truth in every area of our life.
“The Lord will keep all His promises (is faithful/true in all His words.”
Psalm 145:13