by Dona Hake
In yesterday’s devotional I had shared with you about how the little deeds and kindnesses can mean so much to people around us. Many times we do not realize that such small things can touch another’s heart in a way we may never know. After sharing that devotional with you, I headed out to do errands, and I was presented with a wonderful opportunity to take a small amount of time and reach out to a complete stranger. Today I would like to share that testimony with you, and I pray that it will touch and encourage your heart!
I love when God shows up in my day and shows himself so sweetly when I least expect it. I was at the grocery store, and I came out and I was walking through the parking lot, and I noticed a woman walking through the lot. She had a cart full of groceries, and she looked at me and giggled a bit and said, “Did you ever lose your car in the parking lot? I said,”Oh my, yes I have had times that has happened to me.” We began to share with each other funny things that we have done between losing things or forgetting something. I began to share with her that sometimes when I find myself forgetful it is because of lack of rest. Little did I know that she was going to begin sharing her heart with me.
She began to share that she had brain surgery once and also she dealt with epilepsy. She felt ever since her surgery that she has dealt with forgetfulness, and she feels it’s relative to the surgery, and the scar tissue on her brain. I told her I was not going to leave her until I helped her find her car. So we walked around the parking lot and finally we located her car. We chatted for a few minutes, and she said “I want to give you a hug!” We embraced and as we did, I prayed over her and she thanked me and exclaimed that she too knew Jesus! We began to share our testimonies of coming to the Lord, our time in prayer, and our life as a result of serving him, and then we parted.
I was just overjoyed at how the Lord moved in such a sweet way in the middle of the grocery store parking lot. Honestly, I cannot begin to tell you how thrilled and encouraged my heart was that the Lord used me to help her in such a simple way! I just want to encourage your heart today to look for Him in the every day things, and permit him to take the ordinary and turn it into something extraordinary.
Psalm 40:4 (Easy to Read Version)
“Lord my God, you have done many amazing things!
You have made great plans for us—too many to list.
I could talk on and on about them,
“Lord my God, you have done many amazing things!
You have made great plans for us—too many to list.
I could talk on and on about them,
because there are too many to count.”