I love this image for it depicts a pure surrender to God. Last week I had shared with you about identifying weights in your life, and how they can keep you from running the race for Him. He came to set us free from any thing that would hinder us from serving Him. There is not one care in this life that the Lord wants us to try and carry on our own. As we make the decision to turn our cares and weights over to Him, He promises to help us with them, and sustain us in the midst of dealing with
Psalm 55:22
“Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee…”
I like the absoluteness of this scripture…”HE SHALL SUSTAIN THEE…” Burdens will hold you down, and burdens will keep you from moving forward into your dreams…if you are trying to deal with them in your own strength and ability. God desires that you give Him every burden in order that He may anchor you in His hope, and keep you from being shaken or moved.
Matthew 11:29-30 (NLV)
“Follow My teachings and learn from Me.I am gentle and do not have pride.
You will have rest for your souls.
For My way of carrying a load is easy and My load is not heavy.”
I just want to encourage you to daily examine yourself that you are not attempting to carry burdens, and do things in your own ability. Remember, your help is from Him, and all you have to do is ask Him to take that burden. He promised He would and He is faithful to do that which He said in His Word.