by Dona Hake
Once again the Lord has used my feathered friends that I feed to speak to my heart. I faithfully feed the birds, and I have specific feeders for specific birds that visit my deck. The Morning Dove loves my ground feeder, and I know what food they love especially when it is cold. Over the past few days, I moved some feeders around so the birds would have access to their seed and corn yet be protected from the snow covering it. Much of the food was placed under my patio table, and this works perfect, and all the birds can safely feed there. I wanted to acclimate them to the change before the storm. All the birds did well today, except for some of the doves. The main ground feeder was covered in snow so some of them pitifully sat, and waited for me on the deck. This is what they normally do if the feeders are empty…they sit and look in the direction of my windows. I had to photograph this for your visual. I knew she was hungry yet she thought there was no provision. Do you know that there are times that we have a need, and the provision is right under our nose, and we miss it?
The Lord began to minister to my heart that we too are like the doves. He provides all that we need especially in the storms of life. Even though He is our provider, He does expect us to do our part. Let us read the scripture…
Matthew 7:7 (AMP)
“Keep on asking and it will be given you; keep on
seeking and you will find; keep on knocking [reverently]
and [the door] will be opened to you.”
Now…back to the dove! She had all the provision that she needed only feet away from her, yet she was missing that which was under her beak (she doesn’t have a nose)
If only she would seek I thought, if only she would take a closer look, and take some initiative. So it is with us at times. God has given all that we need, but we may be looking for it to come in another way, so we just sit. God desires that we keep on seeking. He desires that our faith be active, and He promises we will find. We need to be diligent to persevere and seek all the Lord has for us. He promises to bless the heart of the one that seeks Him with their whole heart! …and by the way the Dove finally figured it out, and her belly was filled!