by Dona Hake
Isaiah 9:6
“For unto us a child is born,
unto us a son is given…
and his name shall be called…Counsellor.”
Many times we may say or hear “I just do not know what God’s will is in this matter.” How sad it is if we do not seek Him in our uncertainty. The Lord desires that we seek His face and know His will that we may prosper in all that we put our hand to. I believe that He wishes for us to step forward in strong confidence as we recognize His will. Many times we may know what to do but we just do not know how it is going to all come about. Our Counsellor understands and He knows how to instruct us.
I love knowing that the Lord totally understands any problem we face and anything that we are walking through. He understands how we think and He knows our strengths and weaknesses. Just think about it, the One that created Heaven and Earth formed you in your mother’s womb. He created you for a special purpose. He is well able to counsel you in His purposes.
Today let us reflect on Jesus our Counsellor. He is always there to listen and as you speak to Him be mindful to also be silent that He can speak tenderly to you. His loving hand is well able to lead and guide you throughout this day!
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