by Dona Hake
Some days life really does seem like a complicated puzzle doesn’t it? I see the jigsaw puzzle as a great analogy of our life being put together day by day by the loving hand of our loving God. There are times we can get so focused on a particular area just having to fit because in our minds we just want to see that part of our life worked out. May we come to trust and believe that God is wanting to work on some other area of the “puzzle” or tapestry of His will for us. His ways and thoughts are always higher and greater than ours!
Today I am hoping that we be reminded to allow God to search the “pieces” of His specific will for our life that He may work through us. As we live each day may we remain humble and allow Him to work and fit the pieces together that are in His plan, not our custom made ideas. It is a comfort to know that God is the Master Planner and within His plan will always be perfect timing. Young or old, we can all get a bit impatient with God’s timing, and we need to be cautious of this. I always love when my Granddaughters ask how long something may take and if I say it will be in about five minutes, and I get this…”Grandma, that will be forever!” Makes me grin every time. How many times do we react to God the same way?
God wants you to know that He has a plan for your life and He works in your life as you permit Him to. As we stay humble, He will work out all things according to His plans and purposes in His perfect and masterful timing!
Romans 8:28 (DRA) “And we know that to them that love God, all things work together unto good…”