by Dona Hake
My youngest Granddaughter is still trying to master putting on winter gloves so she can go out and through ball to my German Shepherd. “Grandma….this is complicated!!!” she says to me. You see, I still have to help her because she ends up getting two fingers stuck in one of the fingers of the glove. We laugh as we look at the glove for there is one of the fingers of the glove that is motionless because there is no finger in it. I always say, “Okay, let’s try this again…” She opens her little hand and tries to guide each finger where it belongs. Then I hear, “There!!!! I got it Grandma, now let’s go!!!”
We too are like that glove that really can not move perfectly apart from Him filling each and every aspect of our being. He desires to live and flow through us in every area of our walk. This is His perfect will for us! Today I want you to remember that you are His very special vessel and He wants you to submit yourself to Him that He can breathe His life into every word you speak, every deed you do, and every circumstance you face today. He wants to move through you and make you a vessel of honor for Him. Let us live and move and have our total being in Him!
Acts 17:28 (East To Read version)
“It is through him that we are able to live, to do
what we do, and to be who we are…”