“Is Your Heart Quiet?”

Quiet heart

by Dona Hake

Once again I am thinking about the hustle and bustle of another holiday approaching us.   I recently heard on the news someone quote a person saying “Just knowing I am going to be with my family over the holidays makes me feel like I am gonna have an anxiety attack.”  Sad isn’t it?  Yet, there are alot of people that feel this way especially over the holidays.  Then there are those that wish they could sit with their loved ones during the holidays but they are no longer here.  Any holiday can really bring pressures and anxiety IF and that is in all caps because it is IF we permit it to!

Recently I was driving down the road and on my radio was playing “♪♫ It’s beginning to look alot like Christmas…♪ ♫ ♪”   People were speeding down the road, honking their horns in impatience.  There was so much rush, rush, rush, and  I thought to myself,  yes it is beginning to look alot like Christmas.   The anxiety and madness is in the air and people allow the true meaning of it all to slip from their minds in the midst of it all.  It saddens me that people are in such a hurry and they are trying to squeeze in one too many things and that  they are driven to  anxiety during this blessed season.  I am probably correct in saying that many times we create our own anxieties simply because we are not purposing to keep our hearts quiet  in the midst of any demand.

I am bound and determined to live one moment at time especially in this holiday season.  I want to embrace peace in my heart and allow nothing or no one to snatch it away from me.

Proverbs 14:30   Amplified Bible

“A calm and undisturbed mind and heart are the life

and health of the body…”

I pray that you too will think about pursuing living one moment at a time and enjoy the stillness of His perfect peace each and every day.