by Dona Hake
Yesterday I shared with you about responding to God’s ability, and not drawing upon your own. Our scripture today is from Psalm 23 and it depicts, and is an analogy that we do indeed go through times of dryness and barrenness, and our soul needs refreshed. The Psalmist speaks of the Lord overflowing our cup, giving us a cup of blessing.
Psalm 23:5 (Expanded Version)
“You ·pour oil of blessing on my head [anoint my head with oil; oil was a means of refreshment in a hot, dry environment];
“You ·fill my cup to overflowing [make my cup overflow; a cup of blessing].”
“You ·pour oil of blessing on my head [anoint my head with oil; oil was a means of refreshment in a hot, dry environment];
“You ·fill my cup to overflowing [make my cup overflow; a cup of blessing].”
We all have a “cup” which we hold and sometimes our cup is in need of filling. If we do not look to Him for the refreshment and filling, we will position ourselves to live in our own ability. We will look to ways other than His to fill our cups of need that can only be met by Him. It is vitally important that we make it a priority to take time each day, and be still before Him. Read His Word, and seek His face according to that which you are in need of. God desires that we take our cup which should be filled, and lift it up to Him.
I cannot help but think of my youngest Granddaughter right now. She is all so determined to try to do so much without any help or assistance. “I can do it myself Grandma…” Just recently I had to laugh to myself as we were snacking together with some fruit and string cheese. Those packages of string cheese can be hard for me to get open, and I went to open hers but she insisted, “I can do it myself Grandma!” After about three minutes of being frustrated she hands it over to me….”Grandma, can you open it?!” It is interesting though if she is drinking, and her cup is empty, she always eagerly hands it over and says, “Please Grandma, I need more!” May we ever be before the Lord asking Him for more when our cups are on low or empty!
Each day we need to be before our Lord, and we need to seek Him for every need that we have. We need to make sure that our cup is full of and overflowing with all the wonderful and good things that flow only from above. He desires to overflow our cup with His grace, His tender mercies, His love, His wisdom, etc. Every task that we face needs to be met as we draw upon Him for that cup of abundant blessings!