“I Listen For Your Loving Voice”

cause me to hear you
by Dona Hake
Have you ever spoken these words to yourself at the end of a day, “I just wish this day would never ever happened” or I wish I could just do this day all over again.”   Truth is we have all probably thought this and we all have had those days. But the real truth of the matter is that you cannot make a day happen all over again.
When we wake in the morning we need to consciously make an effort to remind ourselves that God’s mercies are new and fresh every morning! He awaits for you to seek His face and bring everything to Him that concerns your heart. There is not a one of us that were created to carry the burdens this life brings to us.

Psalm 143:8 The Voice (VOICE) Make me hear of Your faithful love in the
morning, for I trust in You. Teach me how I should walk, for I offer my soul up to

 As we greet our day let us ask Him to cause us to hear that which He desires to speak to us. He is faithful to show us the right paths. He is faithful to make the crooked places straight. It is as we lift our souls to Him that He will begin to speak to us that which we need to hear to meet the challenges of our day.
I once heard this quote and I love it.   “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” How true these few words are. We can use problems or difficulties that arise in our day as an opportunity to grow or we can allow them to bring us down.  We have so much power in the choices we make.  Let us choose each day to greet Him with a willingness to hear of His faithful love.  Permit Him to teach you today how you should walk and turn any difficulties into divine opportunities for Him!