by Dona Hake
Yesterday I shared with you about my little Granddaughter trying to keep pace with my footsteps as I was walking a bit faster than usual. After my Granddaughter and I arrived home from our breakfast yesterday she does her usual run as fast as she can thing to get into the house. As she began to run on our sidewalk I yelled at her and warned her to slow up, and she immediately stopped, and changed her speed. I just do not want to see her fall especially on cold concrete. I am just glad she is learning to slow up and heed to the voice of wisdom. A word of warning is only helpful to the degree it is heeded to.
Proverbs 4:26 (TLB)
“Watch your step. Stick to the path and be safe.”
Today, I want to share with you about those times that God calls out to us through His Word, His Spirit, or people in our lives. I know we can all relate to those times in which we feel we are being warned. We must always be careful to judge the warnings that come our way to make sure they are truly of Him, and not fear motivated. God’s Word clearly has accounts where men and women of God were admonished by the Lord.
Colossians 1:28 ( Amp.)
“Him we preach and proclaim, warning and admonishing everyone and instructing everyone in all wisdom (comprehensive insight into the ways and purposes of God), that we may present every person mature (full-grown, fully initiated, complete, and perfect) in Christ (the Anointed One).”
Today I encourage your heart to respect the voice of the Lord as He speaks to you through His Word, the inward witness, and those God given people that have been placed in your life. May we all continue to grow deeper in the comprehensive insight in His ways and purposes.