by Dona Hake
Have you ever prepared to travel and you want to make sure that you are packing everything you need. In the past whenever I have traveled I have so many “to do” lists and “things I need to pack” lists as well. I want to flow as efficiently as possible in my time away from home. I am the kind of person that likes to be ready for anything so I probably over pack because of that. Needless to say, it is good to feel that you are properly equipped for your time away from home.
As a believer in the Lord Jesus, we must stay reminded that heaven is what really matters, and the Lord desires that we set our minds and hearts on things that are above. May we remember that we are as pilgrims on a journey here on earth, and we are passing through for this is not our home. As we spend time on this earth serving the Lord we are on a a blessed journey. He has promised to equip us for all that He has for us to do while we are here. I love the image I shared today because it ministered to my heart relative to God giving us all that I need. First of all, His Word will keep us full of the knowledge of His will. Any door that we need to walk through whether difficult or not, we can be assured that He has the exact key. He also provides us with His perfect timing and we need to know we are in His timing. Many times in our journey here on earth we can encounter those things that would tempt our hearts to fear, and not trust Him. In Psalm 23 David proclaimed that even though he walked through the valley of the shadow of death, he would fear no evil for he knew the Lord was with him. Fear can have a crippling affect on our hearts and minds, and it can cause us to get off the perfect path He has assigned for us as believers.
2 Timothy 1:7 (AMP)
“For God did not give us a spirit of timidity (of cowardice, of craven and
cringing and fawning fear), but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love
and of calm and well-balanced mind and discipline and self-control.”
Let us be reminded today to stay focused on all that He has given us through His love for this very special journey on earth. We can live this life with our spirits full of power, love, and calm well balance minds! It is Him that can help us to remain disciplined and self controlled for the God given work He has for us.